If I said that Jesus died on the cross over 2000 years ago then it is to acknowledge that it has already happened, this is easy to say after the fact. But there’s a special detail about this story and that is 1000 years before Jesus walked this earth, God the Father revealed to someone the circumstances to which our saviour, Jesus Christ would die. This person was the prophet David. The fact that David knew demonstrates that the crucifixion of the Father’s one and only son was not accidental or unforeseen, but it was a plan of salvation that God had put in place an eternity ago to save the sinners of the world, us.
          About the burden that Jesus would carry on this day, David had said ahead of time “But I am no longer a human being; I am a worm, despised and scorned by everyone.” (Psalms 22:6 NIV) “I am a worm” refers to what exactly?  We know that worms belong on the ground beneath people’s feet and in that time, Jesus wasn’t even considered an equal amongst men. He was akin to a worm, lowly and unworthy of any respect, “then they spat in his face and beat him” (Matthew 26:67 NIV). Even one of the Lord’s much loved disciples, Peter, denied Jesus: “I swear that I don’t know that man” (Matthew 26:72 NIV). These are only a couple of examples of the incredible amount of abuse Jesus faced during his life here on Earth, when all those around considered him worthless.
          Further, the prophet David speaks about the circumstances surrounding Jesus on the day he died “All who see me make fun of me; they stick out their tongues and shake their heads” (Psalms 22:7 NIV). This was truly the case, as Matthew also recounts “people passing by shook their heads and hurled insults at Jesus… “Save yourself if you are God’s Son! Come on down from that cross!”” (Matthew 27:39-40 NIV). Friends, not only did no one offer any words of comfort while Jesus was dying on that cross, all the more, people were goading and slighting him as he was. Is there any hurt that could compare to that?
          Because “Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross” (1Peter 2:24), Jesus became that worm underneath man’s feet. How were people treating Jesus during that time? The words of the psalmist David describes it as if “they open their mouths like lions, roaring and tearing at me” (Psalms 22:13 NIV). It was as though Jesus had done something horrible to these people that they would be upset and angry, nailing his two hands and feet to a wooden cross for crimes he had not committed. It says in Psalm 22:14 “my strength is gone, gone like water spilled on the ground”. Christ’s blood pouring out from the marks on his hands and feet where those nails pierced through flesh, blood pouring from the place where the thorns pricked Jesus’ head as he wore the crown of thorns - Jesus’ life leaving his body just like water spilling to the ground.  “My heart is like melted wax” (Psalm 22:14) reminds us of the moment that a soldier plunged his spear into Jesus’ side and “at once blood and water poured out” (John 19:34 NIV). Christ’s heart had been broken, melted like wax, no longer able to sustain his life.
          In a moment of pain and anguish, David wrote “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?” (Psalm 22:1). With this, the psalmist has brought us to the place where Jesus had suffered for mankind. They nailed him to that cross at Calvary and it is there that Matthew wrote “at noon the whole country was covered with darkness which lasted for 3 hours. At about three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud shout, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” (Matthew 27:45-46 NIV). Jesus Christ is the second person in the holy trinity. The relationship between Father and Son has lasted and will last forever. But it was when Jesus died on that cross that “the LORD made the punishment fall on him, the punishment all of us deserved” (Isaiah 53:6 NIV). Friends, let us reflect on the sins that we ourselves have committed and placed on Jesus Christ? It could be the lies that we’ve told, the grudges we hold against others, our unwillingness to forgive, the hurtful things that we say about others, the idols we worship, the way we deny our creator… the way we break the law etc… these sins are stacked on top of Jesus’ shoulders which he carries for us. It is because of this, because of our transgressions and iniquities that God the father left Jesus and therefore Christ said “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” Don’t you think this punishment is unjust? Can you imagine what it would be like if we ourselves were to pay for our own sin?
          Jesus Christ was insulted, abused, crucified and thereafter, had his robes fought over. It had already been foretold that they would “gamble for my clothes and divide them among themselves” (Psalm 22:18 NIV). Just as Matthew accounted for in the gospel “They crucified him and divided his clothes among them by throwing a dice (Matthew 27:35 NIV). This points out that our belongings shall be stripped from us when the day of judgement arrives. Jesus teaches us “Do you gain anything if you win the whole world but lose your life? Of course not!” (Mark 8:36 NIV).
          The way that Jesus was treated was abhorrent. Was it because Jesus had been rejected or was it because he strangely accepted to take all of mankind’s sin upon himself? The answer is the latter, that he lovingly took responsibility for our sin when he himself was perfect. We can say this because Christ is the second member of the trinity and is the divine word. Jesus need only command it and Lazarus rose from the dead, one word and the howling winds and raging storms cease; one command and trees die from root to tip. With authority like that, if Jesus were to stop the hearts of those who hated him from beating, it would happen.
          Why didn’t Jesus do that though? Why didn’t he spare his own life? Christ didn’t do this because God’s purpose for him was to die in place of man in order to break the curse of sin and death; God wanted a relationship with us, his creation and didn’t want anything separating us from Him. It is because of this that Jesus went through all the atrocities that he did, submitting himself to the will of his father “it is finished” (John 19:30 NIV). Jesus Christ died at Calvary over 2000 years ago for anyone who would accept him as their LORD and saviour. What does it mean to believe this? “It means to accept that Jesus is able to heal the sick, that Jesus has the ability to turn water into wine. To believe in Jesus Christ means to believe that he has authority over all land and sea…” Moreover, we must be like the apostle Paul who said “This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me” (Galatians 2:20 NIV). Paul encourages his audience, you and I, to believe “that Christ died for our sins” (1Corinthians 15:3 NIV). Peter also reaffirms this in his writings “Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness” (1Peter 2:24).  Which means every single one of us must accept that “Jesus Christ carries the weight of my sin on the cross.”
          There is no one who is innocent that would die in place of anyone guilty of ever committing a sin, only Jesus Christ can do this and he has. When we believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for us, God the father agrees to mercifully forgive us of our sins and grants us salvation because his word states that “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life” (John 3:36). After we all pass away, we won’t be placed in the fiery pits of hell but get to be with Jesus Christ in heaven for eternity. We don’t need to worry about what others are doing, comparing ourselves and thinking “I’m not as faithful as he is, they serve the church better than I do, that must mean I won’t receive salvation”. Friends, we receive God’s salvation and mercy because of Jesus dying on that cross, because of the blood Christ spilled that washes us clean of our sin not by our works. Grace that we cannot fathom! There are those who understand God’s grace, who are thankful, who love God and serve him wholeheartedly, they obey his word and love others in order to glorify his name.
          The way we serve is dependent on our heart for the Lord, not because we believe it will earn us salvation. There is nothing we can do to earn it as the price has already been paid by Jesus.
          We are all loved by God, we are all his children and therefore pray that he will give us the strength to live good, wholesome lives with a purpose to love and serve him well so that through our every word and action, we can demonstrate our gratitude that Jesus Christ has saved us and he lives.
          May God bless us all. Amen.
Rev Trần Hữu Thành.

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